Announcement Re: Nomination and self – nomination of BOD’s members and BOS’s members for term from 2021 to 2026

Announcement Re: Nomination and self – nomination of BOD’s members and BOS’s members for term from 2021 to 2026 Audited financial statement of mid-year FY 2018.pdf

Re: Nomination and self – nomination of BOD’s members and BOS’s members for term from 2021 to 2026 of CMC Corporation

 Respectfully to Shareholders of CMC Corporation,

The incumbent B.O.D and B.O.S of CMC Corporation will end their term of operation after closing the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. At the same time, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2021 will also elect members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Supervisors for the new term 2021 - 2026. CMC Corporation would like to provide you some information about the nomination and self - nomination as follows:

1. Requirements to be fulfilled by members of the Board of Directors: To become member of the Board of Directors, the person shall satisfy the requirements as prescribed in Article 3 of the Regulation on election of members of Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Supervisors (BOS) for the 4th term 2021 -2026

2. Requirements to be fulfilled by members of the Board of Supervisors: To become member of the Board of Supervisors, the person shall satisfy the requirements as prescribed in Article 4 of the Regulation on election of members of Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Supervisors (BOS) for the 4th term 2021 – 2026.

3. Conditions for nomination and self – nomination of BOD’s members, BOS’s members
a. Shareholders owning ordinary shares on June 18, 2021 (the last registration date to list the shareholders attending the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2021) have the right to aggregate the number of voting rights of several shareholders to nominate candidates for election as members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Suprvisiors. A shareholder or group of shareholders holding from 5% to below 10% of the total voting shares has the right to nominate one (01) candidate; holding from 10% to below 30% has the right to nominate two (02) candidates; holding from 30% to below 50% has the right to nominate three (03) candidates; holding from 50% to below 65% has the right to nominate four (04) candidates; and holding from 65% or more has the right to nominate sufficient candidates.
b. If the number of candidates of the Board of Directors, who are chosen by nominating and stand for election, is insufficient, the incumbent Board of Directors may nominate additional candidates. The nomination of candidates of the Board of Directors by the incumbent Board of Directors must be clearly announced and passed by the General Meeting of Shareholders prior to nomination.
c. If the number of candidates of the Board of Directors, who are chosen by nominating and stand for election, is insufficient, the incumbent Board of Directors may nominate additional candidates. The nomination of candidates of the Board of Directors by the incumbent Board of Directors must be clearly announced and passed by the General Meeting of Shareholders prior to nomination.

4. Selection of candidates: Based on the nomination and self – nomination of shareholders, groups of shareholders and attached documents of candidates, B.O.D will make a list of candidates who meet the specified conditions to submit to AGM 2020 for electing to the B.O.D and B.O.S for the term 2021 - 2026.

5. Forms for nomination and self – nomination
01 Member of B.O.D/ B.O.S’s Self - Nomination Letter (applicable to self-nominations
01 Member of B.O.D/ B.O.S’s Nomination Letter (applicable to nominations)
01 Resume of nominee
01 Curriculum vitae in HoSE’s form

- 01 Certified Identification Card or Passport (applicable to Vietnamese nominees
- 01 Legalized Passport (applicable to foreign nominees)

 Best Regard.
CMC Corporation.

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